9K33M3 Osa-AKM/AKM-P1 Żądło from Poland
+2 of them have been pledged of which +2 have been Delivered since December 2022.

( Example photo of a 9K33M3 Osa-AKM-P1 Żądło )
None of them has been destroyed
9K33M3 Osa-AKM-P1 Żądło from the 1129th Air Defense Regiment working in Ukraine.
9K33M3 Osa-AKM in Ukraine.
9K33M3 Osa-AKM-P1 Żądło targeting Orlan-10 Drone.
9K33M3 Osa-AKM-P1 in service with the 1129th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment, shooting down Russian UAVs in Ukraine.